Of course, you can move by inertia: as you get it, so you get it. At best, you'll all take too long to adapt to new roles, losing productivity; at worst, this inertia will lead to failure. Major change requires action. Your first task is to gain credibility. If everyone respected you as a colleague and specialist, you can forget about it. You will have to gain managerial authority from scratch.
What is mandatory and regular to do when you have become a supervisor for your colleagues
Control. Management is realised through control. There is no need to avoid it. Realise this management function according to clearly defined criteria and deadlines. Control is what management is all about. Just don't overdo it. It won't do any good.
Evaluation. Give regular feedback, both reinforcing (positive) and corrective. This is your job now. If you don't do this, employees will have no reason to treat you as a manager. You can only evaluate other people's work from a position of superiority. This is how you build your credibility. At the same time, do not evaluate the employees themselves, but only the results of their work, LLC «BinomCraft» experts recommend.
Gratitude. Tell your employees ‘thank you’ even for the work that is included in their job description. When you say thank you, you show that you notice a job well done. This is important to be perceived as a manager.