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CSR concept - Binom Craft

Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept of development according to which companies need to combine profitable activities with activities related to solving social problems of society.
This concept was created at the initiative of the UN to coordinate joint efforts to solve social problems. Each company can make its contribution to solving social problems on a global scale. More and more indicators show that Corporate Social Responsibility is one of the factors of increasing profitability, company image, reducing costs, improving employee morale and customer loyalty. For international companies, CSR implementation is an additional advantage for entering new markets, attracting highly qualified employees and strengthening the company's reputation. Binom Kraft cares about its reputation for embedding CSR in its corporate culture.
To understand the importance of implementing Corporate Social Responsibility, you can use the research of Cone Communications, which demonstrates the following indicators:

  • 60% of Americans hope that businesses will stimulate social and environmental changes in the country,
  • 90% of consumers surveyed said they would buy a product because the company supported the issue they care about,
  • 75% will refuse to buy from a company if they find out that it supports an issue that contradicts their own beliefs.

Active participation in the development of common social problems creates a positive reputation among stakeholders in the company. Thus, in 2018 Forbes named the best socially responsible companies in the world. The first place in the list is occupied by the technology giant "Google". They are followed by The Walt Disney Company and Lego. These companies have invested billions of dollars in:

  • Environmental programs to restore and replant forests,
  • Restructuring of production to reuse raw materials,
  • Development of waste sorting culture for safe disposal.
BinomCraft trading supports efforts to solve environmental problems of our society. We join the culture of responsible consumption and support the course to preserve and restore our planet. We offer to join the implementation of these simple things that every company can afford, namely:

  • Sorting waste into different containers, especially to sort plastic,
  • Use of LED lamps in the office and automatic light switch-off sensors,
  • Disposal of used lithium-based batteries in special containers,
  • Use of 10 mm margins on A4 paper and use of the outside of the printed sheet of paper,
  • Purchase of furniture made from recycled materials.

If each company can adhere to such an unpretentious list of things, it will greatly help to preserve the environment for all mankind.
Contact us
Ukraine, 61017, Kharkiv region, Kharkiv city, Serikovskaya street 1