What is the most essential part of a manager's job?

Managers are different. For example, some are talented in building relationships with their subordinates: they easily find contact with employees, and they share everything they can. There are bosses who are very fond of precision and control. Other leaders are like a commander in the army: tough and demanding. In contrast to them, there are leaders who are very warm-hearted and soft: they create an atmosphere in which people are happy to show their talents and come up with brilliant ideas.

The question often arises: what is really the main thing in the work of a manager? What should he be like? There is one quality that can be called the main one. We will tell you about it at the end of this publication in the LLC «BinomCraft» blog. Next, let's look at common myths about bosses.

Myth #1: A manager is an exceptionally positive and sociable person

How often have you met a manager who is infinitely positive, and his subordinates seem to be in a benign state? We answer: very rarely. This is just a myth. As life shows, well-coordinated, efficient and effective teams often have very demanding, rigid and often not very cheerful bosses. His division or company produces positive results, and his subordinates do not quit, despite his management style.

Myth #2: A boss should always be tough
The second myth is a logical continuation of the first: a manager should be tough, frowning his eyebrows and pounding his fist on the table. Sometimes he can demonstratively throw something at the wall to impress people. However, there is a nuance: if you as a person rigidity is not peculiar to you, people will feel it. Played toughness doesn't work at all. Subordinates will just laugh behind your back. Besides, people quickly adapt to the constant display of rigidity and stop taking the behaviour of the manager seriously. Yes, sometimes it makes sense to be very tough and demanding, especially in some extreme situations, but it should be natural and appropriate.

Why does a manager feel the urge to be ostentatiously tough? It may be a desperate attempt to somehow cope with his subordinates, provided that this person does not know how to do it properly. However, it is better not to shout, but to use the right tools of influence and management. Which ones? We'll talk about that in future posts on the LLC «BinomCraft» blog.

Myth #3: Know how to do the work of
your subordinates The next myth is that a boss should know better than his subordinates how to do the work. Or its other formulation: you have the moral right to lead people only if you know how to actually do the job and are able to set an example for them.

However, if this were true, then the largest corporations and the most successful companies would be run exclusively by super-scientists. But such people work in research departments and laboratories, and are led by professional managers. They do not need to be the best specialists. They have subordinates to get the job done. A manager should have an idea of how his subordinates do the work, but that doesn't mean he should be able to do the work himself.
Myth #4. Hire the ‘right’ people and do nothing
A fairly common myth is that the most important thing is to hire the ‘right people’, and then you will not need to do anything at all. Allegedly, these people will do everything for you.

However, even the most ‘right’ people are also people. They can be lazy, distracted, make mistakes, etc. Their work needs to be managed. Otherwise, problems can arise. Even the most excellent employees will not be self-managed. Look at all major corporations: everywhere there are managers, levels of management, plans, strategy, etc.

What is the most important?
So, we have come to the point of answering the question: what is the most important quality of a manager? LLC «BinomCraft» answer will be quite short. The main thing in the work of a manager is the ability to see the result. A manager must understand what a particular result of the company's activities is expected and set the right direction for achieving it.
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