Why and how a manager should analyse his performance

Binom Craft experts have analysed simple steps that will help managers analyse their work and keep themselves in good condition. By focusing on them, any manager will be able to monitor his level of efficiency, improve himself and his company.

Shed the unnecessary and work on yourself

Why should managers monitor their performance levels? There are a number of reasons.

  1. To discard what isn't working. When a manager monitors their performance, they can always understand how their management style and actions are affecting the team. By analysing your impact on the company's performance, you can adapt your management approach. It is foolish to continue to do something that is not working. It is necessary to get rid of it.
  2. Understand your strengths and weaknesses. There is no such thing as a perfect human being. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these qualities will allow you to work skilfully with them: pumping up the weak ones and using the strong ones. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help you improve your leadership skills. How to identify weaknesses? People tend to avoid things they are not good at. So the way forward is very simple: analyse what you avoid in your activities.
  3. Set an example for the team. A manager who actively works on his or her development sets a positive example for the team. You can tell your employees a thousand times how important it is to learn, but if they do not see your desire to learn new things and improve, it will all go by in their minds.
  4. Knowing your results can significantly increase personal satisfaction and motivation. It is very important to know and analyse your results and understand how they change. This is necessary to make the right decisions and to have confidence in them. If you see that your results are improving, then you are on the right track. If they are getting worse, you should take action to reverse the trend.
How to collect data to analyse your performance
Get feedback from the team. This can be done through face-to-face meetings or anonymous surveys. Don't be afraid to tell the truth. Feedback with objective criticism will only benefit you - it will help you correct mistakes and improve your effectiveness. Conduct these surveys at regular intervals. This will allow you to see how your performance rating changes.

Evaluate the performance of your team. This indicator will clearly show your effectiveness as a manager. If the results are improving, it is obvious that you are doing more right than wrong. If they are getting worse, you need to work on your mistakes. These are the methods used by BinomCraft company's managers.
Analyse your working hours. A manager has a lot of varied work with people. This is distracting and time-consuming. It is important to understand what you have been doing and how it has affected your performance. In order to improve, it is important to understand what actions you have taken, what results you have achieved and how it all fits together. This will help you decide what to delegate, what to strengthen and what to get rid of.

Set clear goals. A lot of team management is about directing people to achieve certain results. Team disorganisation disappears when everyone understands the goal and the way to get there. Each BinomCraft LLC manager has a work plan for the quarter and year.

Adapt and evolve. This is essential to keep up with the times. The world changes every day. If you don't keep up, you risk losing your position and being overtaken by younger and more progressive business people.
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