Unique selling point. Effective formulas

Offline and online shops sell millions of different products. Many marketplaces offer the same or similar products. A USP is a distinctive feature that makes your business better than the competition. It is a special advantage that distinguishes your company from others. Binom Kraft specialists discussed why it is necessary to develop a unique selling proposition (USP) and how to compose it correctly.

The very name "Unique Selling Proposition" makes it clear that this is the "thing" that should attract the attention of buyers to you. The USP shows how your products or services are different from those of your competitors. The mission of the USP is to make your customers think: "This is exactly what I need", "This is what I will buy". But don't go overboard with uniqueness. The UTP should not seem too magical and unrealistic. It should be relevant, specific, clear, precise and unambiguous.

Things to consider when developing a TSS

  • First, identify the strengths of your product. What problem does it solve? Why do people buy it?
  • The uniqueness of your offering should not just be important to you. It should be meaningful to the customer first and foremost. Analyse what they really care about.
  • Conduct a live interview with your customers or subscribers. Find out what criteria they used to choose you. You can also survey your customers with an online questionnaire.
  • Analyse which UTPs your competitors use. This is necessary to avoid repetition.
  • Create a unique offer for each segment of your target audience.
  • Uniqueness should strengthen your offer against your competitors.
  • You must be able to offer this unique advantage.
BinomCraft Ukraine managers recommend effective formulas for drawing up a unique sales offer

Product/Company/Service + Benefit
This type of USP is the most difficult to develop. You need to thoroughly understand the customer, their benefits and their selection criteria. Example: "We bring hot lunch or free lunch".

Product/Company/Service + "WITHOUT" + Customer Fear
Before creating a UTP using this formula, you need to analyse what problems or issues your customers are afraid of. Examples of such a UTP: "Dental treatment without pain", "Delivery without delay".

Product/company/service + first + second characteristic
For example, if you run a clothes shop, the UTP might sound like this "Women's clothing with free delivery and fitting".
Product/Company/Service + Feature
A prime example of how to create a UTP using this formula: "Chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hands".

"Most" + product/company/service
Find the most-most thing about your company and tell the consumer about it. For example: "Longest smartphone warranty in the country".

Product/company/service + added value
This technique reinforces the importance of the product to the prospect. For example: "Pizza with delicious side dishes".

"The One + Product/Company/Service + Distinction + Location
If you want to use this formula, you need to make sure that your product/company/service is really the only one in the region, city or on a particular street.
"If" + "then".
This is the simplest but most effective solution. Simply tell the customer that if the desired result is not achieved, you will refund the money/do it again for free-give a gift. A simple example: "If you don't like the coffee, we'll redo it for free." This formula is often used by BinomCraft LLC specialists in advertising campaigns.

Remember that every one of your successful UTPs will eventually be used by competitors in one form or another. It is therefore impossible to have a unique proposition for life. You must constantly work with your customers, learn about their interests and fears, and use this information to create new UTPs.
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