How to behave at a job interview. Useful tips

A job search is an important and stressful time in a person's life. In the beginning, you market yourself with your CV, your track record and your work results. But a CV alone is not enough. Experienced recruiters at Binom Craft know that the whole truth about a person is revealed in a live interview. A hiring decision is literally made in the first two or three minutes.

A job interview is something that people look forward to, because it is the prospect of a new job, but it is also something that they dread. Your job is to make the best possible impression during the interview. In addition, it is very important during the interview to demonstrate not only that you are worthy of working in this company, but also that you have your own particular values and that this company is a good fit for you.

An interview is an equal dialogue. You need to present your achievements beautifully and effectively to stand out from the other candidates and be remembered as the most intelligent, interesting and charismatic.

Assess yourself

The image of a successful candidate is not just about clothes, accessories and appearance. Behaviour, the ability to present yourself, is an integral part of the image, say the experts at LLC «BinomCraft». Look at yourself as dispassionately as possible, evaluate all the possibilities, take stock of all your experiences. This will help you feel more confident. Provide yourself with irrefutable proof that you are worthy of the position.

Prepare for the interview
This step seems perfectly understandable and logical, but unfortunately people often forget that it is not only possible, but necessary to prepare for a job interview. Set up a mock interview, especially if you know a recruiter. Ask them to help you simulate the interview and assess you:
  • How you enter the room where the interview is taking place;
  • How you look at the recruiter, how you start the interview;
  • How you answer questions and talk about yourself;
  • What questions might be asked. You can anticipate the questions based on the job you are applying for. Practice your reactions and answers to them. Your interviewer reads every sign and you need to be prepared.
Call the interviewee by name
This is an element of the interview that many people unfortunately miss due to anxiety and excitement. If you're too stressed to remember the interviewer's name, write it down. During the interview, address your interviewer by name. It will be pleasant for him as a person and as a professional. He will remember it. Remember that the interview is not an interrogation but a dialogue. You can also ask questions about the microclimate in the team, how the work is organised, etc.
Control your voice
Along with your CV and track record, one of the most important elements of any interview is your voice. You can tell almost everything about a person by the way they speak to a recruiter. For example, how they handle a stressful situation. A rising intonation or a 'jumping' voice can work against you - they tell about your strong excitement, say the managers of the LLC «BinomCraft» company. In addition, because you cannot tune in to the dialogue, word parasites will appear in your speech. You may also make unnecessary movements: waving your hands, frantically rubbing your rings, etc. This is why it is so important to assess yourself and rehearse your behaviour in the context of the interview.
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