Event-marketing for retail

Despite the fact that e-commerce is gaining momentum, offline trade is still not losing ground. With the constant emergence of new online stores, shopping pages in social networks and huge marketplaces, it is hard to imagine that 82% of all global retail sales still account for offline stores.

Studies show that more than 30% of buyers prefer to buy offline because of the opportunity to "touch" the product - to evaluate its quality, size, weight and other characteristics live. The rest in a stationary store are attracted by the instant of receiving the goods, no need to pay for delivery and disclose their personal data, as when paying online. Therefore, if you have an offline store, it's time to take advantage of all the benefits of this format of trade to the maximum. In promoting your brand, you should not rely only on classic advertising and word of mouth. Hold a presentation, a charity event, a concert - anything that will attract the attention of the target audience, Binom Kraft experts recommend.

Research your target audience

Without knowing who your potential customers are, how can you understand and correctly calculate what will interest them? If your store is already operating, pay attention to the portrait of your average customer. If you are just planning to open a store, analyze your product, for whom is it designed? You must admit that buyers of clothes of elite brands are unlikely to come to listen to the performance of a tiktoker, even if he is an idol of modern teenagers.

The main goal is brand promotion

The purpose of any event should be not just to attract the audience and its positive emotions. It is important to associate this event with your brand in the minds of visitors. According to Visme statistics, 70% of participants of a well-planned marketing event later become regular customers of the company. Therefore, mention the brand in the name of the event, distribute merchandise with your symbols, pay performers for advertising from the stage - do everything so that visitors know who to say "thank you" to for organizing the event.

Arrange a real show

If you want to be noticed, you need to do something really bright and memorable, BinomCraft managers emphasise. Do you plan to present a new detective in the bookstore? How about, in addition to the traditional meeting with the author and reading excerpts of the work, organizing a real quest to find the killer? Or not just play popular music at the opening of a musical instrument store, but invite fashionable performers, allow customers to play themselves or sing karaoke? And even give gifts to the best of the best. Is it spectacular? Yes, and most importantly - effectively.

Choose the date of the event wisely

When choosing the date of the event, pay attention to the calendar events. Are the New Year holidays approaching? It's time to declare yourself. In the pre-holiday time people often visit shopping malls to buy gifts for loved ones. Dense pedestrian traffic near your store guarantees increased interest in the event even among those passers-by who had no idea about your store before.
Make a presentation

If you have a new product, or just a product or service that deserves attention, you can hold its presentation. Moreover, you can do it effectively - for example, organize a fashion show for a new clothing line or a test drive in a car dealership.

Events with invited speakers

Just imagine the excitement that can be caused by the presence of a celebrity or expert in your industry at the event. Firstly, people will visit your store to meet the star. And secondly, they are unlikely to leave the event without buying - statistics show that 49% of consumers listen to the opinion of influencers.

Offer discounts for reposting

Social networks are an effective channel for business promotion, because according to statistics, there are more than 4.5 billion active social media users in the world. Therefore, if you want as many people as possible to know about you, offer guests discounts and bonuses for reposting posts about your brand or posting your own materials.

Distribute merchandise

Do you think famous brands give their products to celebrities for no reason? It's all about advertising. Follow their example and distribute merchandise with your logo to the visitors of the event.

Hold a raffle

Excite your guests - hold a contest or raffle during the event, the prize of which will be any product from your store. Alternatively, organize a quiz. But to get the most out of this format, the questions should be relevant to your business.

Before organising any event, BinomCraft Ukraine experts advise to analyse what has already been done before, which event format has proved to be successful and which has not. Focus on the specifics of your business, do not be afraid to experiment - and success will not be long in coming.
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