Е-mail Marketing Segmentation

You have a customer base. Subscribers. Customers. People you continue to work with. And those you've never crossed paths with before. Here are some quick tactics for segmenting and personalising your email newsletters that you can try today. It's an interesting and useful practice to divide your contacts, target audience and current customers into small groups based on a number of characteristics.
Email marketing gives quick results and does not require extra costs, special design, copywriter and designer work. The gain in time is obvious: you can quickly tell about discounts, urgent offers, promotions. Segmentation is usually based on sets of similar criteria: demographics, subscription source and purchase history. This approach helps personalise the newsletter, creating relevant and effective content. The time when emails with the same content were sent to everyone is long gone, say Binom Kraft marketers.

Data segmentation: increases open rates, increases clicks, increases repeat purchases.
Purchase History

This is perhaps one of the most obvious marketing strategies. By looking at purchase history, you can understand: what your customers bought, what they were interested in, what else they might be interested in. Under segmentation based on purchase history, it's quite easy to create targeted and relevant marketing messages. By analysing preferences, you can send your customers: special offers, information about promotions and discounts, your recommendations. This approach increases the likelihood of repeat sales.

Demographics and geography

The easiest way to try out how an email segmentation strategy works is to set up targeting for specific demographics, according to BinomCraft company. Age, gender, job title, and income level can tell you a lot about a person's needs and interests. Decide which metrics are most important to your business. Have website visitors and customers of your shop fill out a registration form in exchange for a small gift (discount or coupon). This way you can collect the information you need. Don't forget to add a subscription option to the checkout page.
Or focus on those who, on the contrary, are active and engaged. Do a newsletter and let them know about an upcoming sale. After that, categorise everyone who opened the email as "interested". You can already make a separate campaign with special offers for this group.

Position in the sales funnel

Customers who are at the top of the funnel should receive emails with completely different content than those at the bottom. It's likely to be a less personalised email with product descriptions, brand information, customer experience stories and testimonials.
Email marketing is a great way to keep in touch with your customers. Email is a classic retargeting channel. It can be used to conduct large-scale marketing campaigns without large costs and budgets. BinomCraft trading will help you segment your contact lists, prepare personalised content, and conduct mailings.

By sending targeted messages to your subscribers, adapted to the behavioural patterns and habits of your customers, you can change the level of engagement, increase conversion rates and increase their long-term loyalty.
Geographic segmentation is a valuable tool, especially for businesses where shop and customer location influence purchasing decisions. In online sales, this kind of mailing is sure to take seasonality into account.


Study your mailing list statistics, especially Open Rate and CTR. Determine the level of customer engagement, segment the data of active and inactive users. You can identify those who haven't opened your emails in months as inactive users and create a special campaign to re-engage them.
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