Creating a loyalty program for B2B business

Due to the high competition in e-commerce, loyalty programs for retailers have become an almost mandatory tool to achieve marketing goals. In the B2B segment, loyalty programs are aimed at companies that are very often permanent players in the market and do not require special attention when attracting and stimulating, as classic and electronic retail.

BinomCraft managers have collected the main trends for you,

to improve relationships with B2B customers and partners.

Focus on customer needs

Your loyalty program should stop just awarding points and offering special offers. Loyalty program members are looking for content that will help them solve their problems and help with their career development. Experts of BinomCraft trading company recommend developing the involvement of participants in discussions and searching for topics for content creation.

Develop all possible communication channels

To build a long-term relationship, you need to determine the most convenient communication channel for the audience. It can be a closed Telegram channel with polls and articles or a YouTube broadcast in a Q&A format. You should find your own features to develop contact with the audience. The main thing is not to forget that all points of interaction should have a holistic communication.

Maximum personalization

Use the loyalty program as a platform for researching your audience, its path and behavior. Based on this data, increase the level of personalization in working with clients: form offers and provide individual adaptation of services. This will not only increase the personal importance of each customer, but also create an emotional connection with your company.


Make game elements part of your app or use them for activities and promotions. Rewards for completing tasks provide additional benefits, create a sense of expertise and strengthen your connection with the customer. For example, some of them can remain hidden until the user completes a short survey. Using in-game currency and leaderboards can be a great way to motivate users to interact with your app more often, spend time in competitions, and earn new rewards.


Messengers have become a common part of our communication, including in business. Integration of chatbots has taken it to a new level. And this trend continues to grow, gaining popularity in loyalty programs. This is a convenient tool both for business (as it helps to automate work, improve customer experience and launch a new product in a non-standard way) and for the client (as he receives service 24/7).
Optimization of conversion rate

Always remember the customer journey, test it and improve it. The speed of response to actions, UI and UX design, interactivity - all this affects the use and retention of your audience, and ultimately, sales.

Virtual gift fund

Optimize your time and logistics costs and refuse from physical gifts. Exchange accumulated points for online certificates and discounts from partners in the form of promo codes provide more freedom of choice for both you and your audience.

Duration of programs

Competition is getting tougher every year, and loyalty programs are no exception to the general rule. To encourage your audience to stay with you in the future, give them a sense of privilege with special features and rewards depending on how long they have been registered.

Referral programs

"Word of mouth is an effective tool in both B2B and B2C. Moreover, the audience is now much more demanding. It is difficult to influence its opinion with the help of usual marketing tools, but the advice of those who are trusted works. Reward customers who share information about you and attract new members, BinomCraft experts recommend.
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