Advertising and the sales funnel

Digital media has entered every home and family. We can no longer imagine our lives without messengers and online communication. This is the main reason why marketers invest in digital marketing and advertising.

The sales funnel is the sequence of steps a potential customer goes through from first contact with an advertisement or product to the purchase of the product they are interested in. Well-done advertising influences the reach of your target audience and helps attract more potential customers to your site or shop.
A simple sales funnel combines marketing activities and sales. Advertising is the main tool used at all stages of the sales funnel. It is used to motivate the customer, to lead them to a decision to buy.
Let us look at the main stages of the sales funnel.


This stage involves planning and defining the marketing and sales strategy of the company. It is necessary to determine the target audience, identify the features of the product or service offered, as well as select the promotion channels.

This is the main phase for attracting potential customers to a cold audience who are either in search of specific products or know nothing at all about what is being offered to them. The purpose of advertising at this stage is to increase the reach of the target audience, attract more potential customers to the site or shop and generate demand. BinomCraft Ukraine marketers use search engine optimisation or contextual advertising to quickly launch advertising and optimise customer interaction at the initial stage of this process. Parallel to this work with advertising and promotion in social networks, produce email marketing, connect the content marketing.


In this phase, potential clients are shown interest, e.g. by completing a feedback form, leaving their contact details or an email to obtain more information. At this stage it is important to remind potential customers about your business, product or service, encouraging them to move on down the funnel. You can remind them of discounts, promotions or bonuses on their purchase.
Choice of promotion channels

The choice of promotion channels depends on the product itself, but also on the target audience, budget and other factors.

Search engine promotion (PPC). This is an advertising format that helps to attract the attention of the target audience and direct them to the company's website.

Social media advertising. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and others.
Email marketing. News about the company, information on new products, discounts and other promotions. This promotional channel allows you to communicate effectively with potential clients and regular customers through email newsletters.

SEO optimization. A long-term marketing tool to improve your website's visibility on search engines and attract organic traffic.

Direct selling. This marketing channel is particularly effective where face-to-face interactions and product demonstrations are important. Direct communication, telephone conversations, correspondence in messengers - all these are elements of direct sales.

Binomcraft trading structures the client's marketing plan around the sales funnel and optimises their marketing strategy. Each stage of the funnel can be optimised to increase conversions and increase repeat sales.

At this stage interested clients are converted into buyers: they place an order on the website, sign a contract, pay for the product. At this stage of conversion it is important not to lose the client, persuading and pushing him to make a purchase. According to BinomCraft company managers, advertising should focus on the unique features of the product, talk about additional benefits, and describe the product itself in detail.

Engage (Engage)

The customer begins to use the product he has purchased. It is important to cement the relationship with the customer, increase customer satisfaction and make it permanent. A business needs good references. Therefore, it is worthwhile to seize the opportunity and keep in touch by providing the customer with additional information, discounts and bonuses.
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